The care you deserve

Virtual Doula Support

Virtual Doula Contract

Please take time to read the Virtual Doula Support Agreement below. This is only a sample for you to review. By sending a submission, you are agreeing to the terms written within the document. Once a submission is received, an email will be sent to you containing the contract(pdf) which will include fees. 

                    Virtual Doula Support Payment and Confidentiality Agreement


The following agreement is hereby entered into between Doula Yenny James, referred to as “I” and Client________________________ referred to as “you,” with the following conditions understood and accepted by both parties.


As a Certified Perinatal Coach, I provide emotional and physical support to the expectant parent and their partner and/or family during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. I will provide education to ensure that you have the information that you need to make informed decisions regarding your baby’s birth. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for your comfort. I am independent and self-employed, and so, I am working for you, not your caregiver or place of birth.


Before Birth:

I will virtually meet with you and your partner before labor to become acquainted with you; discuss your priorities and any fears or concerns; present evidence-based information on the risks and benefits of common interventions and procedures used during childbirth; discuss your birth plans; and plan how we might best work together. I will also inform you of times when I am unavailable for labor support. We may also decide on other meetings and will remain in touch by telephone and/or email communication. I will be on call for your birth 2 weeks prior to your due date to help guide you when you go into labor. 


During Labor:

As I am providing you with virtual doula support, I cannot be physically present during labor and delivery. I ask that you call me when you think that you are in labor, so that I can help guide you with your next steps. Always call your provider first when you think that you are in labor


After Birth:

I am available to answer questions about your birth or your baby. I will schedule a postpartum meeting within a few days of the birth to discuss your birth, talk over breast/chestfeeding, newborn care, and get feedback from you about my role.


Postpartum Services: 

I believe that the postpartum period exceeds 6-8 weeks. The first year after delivery is crucial for parents. For this reason, I offer daytime virtual postpartum services throughout the first year after delivery. For the first 6-8 weeks, I am available virtually to provide breast/chestfeeding support within my scope of practice; provide emotional support and nurturing for the new parent; and provide guidance with newborn care and feeding.


After 6-8 weeks, I am available to contact via phone or email if you need emotional support or need information on community resources.


Limitation of Services:

As a doula, I do not:

  1. Perform clinical tasks, such as measuring blood pressure, fetal heart checks or vaginal exams. I am there to provide only physical comfort and emotional support and facilitate communication between you, medical staff, and care providers.
  2. Make decisions for you. I will help you get the information that you need to make informed decisions.
  3. Speak to medical staff or providers on your behalf. I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, as well as encourage you and your partner/spouse to voice your opinions, questions and concerns to the staff.
  4. Provide medical advice. I can direct you to resources that might help you answer your questions and make informed decisions on your own. If you have questions or want advice about your care or that of your baby, you should contact your care provider.

Virtual Support:

For the purposes of this contract, “virtual support” is defined as communications between Client(you) and Doula(I) via videoconferencing, text messaging, and phone calls. I will remain available throughout pregnancy and postpartum. I will ensure that the device to be used for virtual communications is charged, in working order, and remains powered on. 


Confidentiality Release:

You hereby give me permission to take notes about you and your birth, including personal information about yourself, and your child(ren). This information may be shared with professional community referrals if referrals are requested. Signing this contract also gives me permission to discuss your pregnancy and birth with other birth professionals in both formal and informal settings. I will never use your name, your child’s name, the date you gave birth or any other identifying information. A separate photographic and social media release is included in this agreement.


Responsibility of Client:

I ask that you inform me of any pregnancy-related or other health complications or conditions you may have, as well as any other special circumstances you might have or require. I also ask that you keep me abreast of what happens at your prenatal appointments from 36 weeks forward (if your cervix is dilated, any tests or procedures you might experience, anything your care provider seems concerned about, etc). Text, email, videoconferencing and phone calls are all good methods for contact. If you need to contact me between the hours of 8pm to 8am CST, please call instead of emailing or only texting. I should only be contacted between 8pm to 8am CST for urgent matters. I also request that you inform your care provider that you have hired a doula.



Fees are agreed upon based on the selected doula service package. The total amount due is owed at the time of contract unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. I accept checks (made out to Paradigm Doulas LLC), PayPal, or money order. If alternative means of payment are used, such as barter or sliding scale, they must be agreed upon in writing by you and I prior to the signing of this contract. Payment due is located at the bottom of this contract.


Photo and Social Media Release:

You hereby give me permission to post photos/comments on social media and my website, provided that they are modest and respectful of your birth. I will only post with parents permission and photos given by the parents and/or ones reviewed by the parents. 


If you do not wish to have photos/comments posted, initial here ____



In entering a contract for doula services with Yenny James, I/We hereby acknowledge that during the performance period of this contract, services will be provided to me/us virtually. I/We understand that Yenny James has a limited role pursuant to the description of tasks outlined in the above-referenced contract wherever services are provided to me/us. 


Yenny James has not presented to me/us that contracting for services guarantees in any way a risk-free or emergency-free labor and birth experience. I/We understand that my/our doula does not make medical decisions on my/our behalf, to include the decision when to seek medical care at a hospital when labor support services are provided in my/our home. When services are performed in a medical facility, I/we acknowledge that Yenny James is not responsible for the performance of clinical tasks to include medical decisions regarding the inclusion or exclusion of treatments available to me/us and my/our baby.


Now, therefore, in consideration of the above acknowledgements, I/we (both jointly and separately) on behalf of myself, ourselves, my/our heirs, administrators, personal representatives, executors, assign to RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE Yenny James and Paradigm Doulas LLC from all damages or causes of actions, either at law or in equity, which I/we may have or acquire or which may accrue to me/us, my/our heirs, administrators, personal representatives, executors or assigns as a result of using the doula services of Yenny James and Paradigm Doulas LLC. I/We intend this to be a COMPLETE RELEASE AND DISCHARGE them from all liability whatsoever.


I/We have read all statements contained herein and I/we fully realize that I/we are signing a COMPLETE RELEASE AND BAR to any claims which I/we have or believe I/we have resulted from our contract for doula services.


If we have previously agreed upon any changes or addendums to this contract, including but not limited to additional services or changes to the services outlined above, please copy and paste the terms of the agreement below:


We have agreed to a fee in the amount of: $__________________


I/We have read this contract describing the doula’s services and agree to enter into a client-doula relationship for pregnancy and birth with a due date of ______________.



If you have reviewed and signed the pdf contract containing fees, please click on link below to complete order