A few words

About Us

Mission & Vision

To create a paradigm shift by dismantling personal and systemic racism that have created barriers to reproductive justice and liberation.

Our story begins with passion, advocacy, and justice. 

One maternal and infant death are one too many. Yet, we find that over 800 women and birthing parents die each year in the United States. Throughout our communities you’ll find that:

These are circumstances caused by a deeply rooted problem. Our trainings go beyond the walls of the birthing room. Not only do we train to provide preconception, birth, and postpartum doula support, but we focus on addressing those deeply rooted problems in our communities. By combining fertility, birth, and postpartum doula training with community health work, we aim to cultivate change that is vital to perinatal and reproductive health.

Our partners and resources

✨ We are a Perinatal Safe Spot ✨

Want to make a difference?

If you are a person or an organization that provides services to expectant parents in underserved communities, we want to partner with you! You can make a difference with just one click...